If you are reading this God is not done with you yet! A desire without a plan is simply a wish. I have a plan. A plan that I have been using that systematically helps you begin to discover the ways you can move more and more in what matters most on this side of eternity!
People Follow People with a Clear Vision
Last year we drove home from a disaster relief effort and I told my husband that I never want to let another day go by without my ability to communicate to other people what space fills our souls when we move in what matters. Being present for people in their pain mattered. The space it filled in our hearts and souls superseded any amazing previous space that have ever been filled.
I made a decision to move in more purpose and I have gone that way and I will continue to show others that way!
This is Denise! One year ago Denise was not living her best life. She was on the couch and struggled to get from her couch to her bed. She wasn't even able to get into work. Denise started following some of the steps I gave her to walk in more freedom that gave her the ability to begin to allow her body to heal. Her energy grew, her faith grew and she began to heal. One year later, with full recovery and a clean bill of health, Denise is now walking out her "Good Life" by facilitating women's retreats!
One year! What can happen in one year for you?